Our People All SalesProperty ManagementSupport Craig Marshall Managing Director 0410 699 688 craigm@themarshallgroup.com.au Carl Ferris Director 0403 190 555 carlf@themarshallgroup.com.au Ross Mundy Director 0451 373 641 rossm@themarshallgroup.com.au David Marshall Director - Property Management 0410 600 688 davidm@themarshallgroup.com.au Lan Zhang Director 0479 027 768 lanz@themarshallgroup.com.au Dominic Smith Director 0411 751 133 doms@themarshallgroup.com.au Jessica Liu Director 0481 557 789 jessical@themarshallgroup.com.au Tristian Vardy Chief Operating Officer & Director 0419 231 076 tristianv@themarshallgroup.com.au Nicky Tanner Licensed Real Estate Agent 0415 669 631 nickyt@themarshallgroup.com.au Donna Ferris Licensed Real Estate Agent 0419 184 578 donnaf@themarshallgroup.com.au Jill Smith Licensed Real Estate Agent 0425 335 000 jills@themarshallgroup.com.au Kate Wexler Licensed Real Estate Agent 0413 733 664 katew@themarshallgroup.com.au Brenton Higgins Licensed Real Estate Agent 0421 904 694 brentonh@themarshallgroup.com.au Stephen Tesoriero Licensed Real Estate Agent 0403 444 872 stephent@themarshallgroup.com.au Fiona Thomas Licensed Real Estate Agent 0412 334 589 fionat@themarshallgroup.com.au Susie Stathakis Licensed Real Estate Agent 0457 880 555 susies@themarshallgroup.com.au Ian Clarke Licensed Real Estate Agent 0419 636 289 ianc@themarshallgroup.com.au Eva Lu Licensed Real Estate Agent 0415 160 612 eval@themarshallgroup.com.au Patrick Huang Licensed Real Estate Agent 0433 975 899 patrickh@themarshallgroup.com.au Alex Jensen Licensed Real Estate Agent 0425 733 758 alexj@themarshallgroup.com.au Sarah Zhou Licensed Real Estate Agent 0404 425 769 sarahz@themarshallgroup.com.au Tom Lintott Licensed Real Estate Agent 0411 315 039 toml@themarshallgroup.com.au Belinda Shearer Licensed Real Estate Agent 0404 479 199 belindas@themarshallgroup.com.au Jayne DeMaio Licensed Real Estate Agent 0421 089 477 jayned@themarshallgroup.com.au Oliver Slader Licensed Real Estate Agent 0466 716 706 olivers@themarshallgroup.com.au William Burn Licensed Real Estate Agent 0481 173 911 williamb@themarshallgroup.com.au James Brodie Licensed Real Estate Agent 0487 760 330 jamesb@themarshallgroup.com.au Finley Pedersen Licensed Real Estate Agent 0475 888 599 finleyp@themarshallgroup.com.au Julia Malone Licensed Real Estate Agent 0416 445 200 juliam@themarshallgroup.com.au Ryan Thomas Licensed Real Estate Agent 0424 120 768 ryant@themarshallgroup.com.au Hao Chen Licensed Real Estate Agent 0416 519 150 haoc@themarshallgroup.com.au Ellen Xu Sales Associate to Kate Wexler 0408 613 985 ellenx@themarshallgroup.com.au Tobias Newing Property Manager 0456 857 202 tobiasn@themarshallgroup.com.au Karen Newing Property Manager 0422 034 375 karenn@themarshallgroup.com.au Grace Gu Property Manager 0404 708 616 graceg@themarshallgroup.com.au Judy Tang Property Manager 0415 632 668 judyt@themarshallgroup.com.au Caitlin Redgrave Property Manager 0409 760 078 caitlinr@themarshallgroup.com.au Annette Saracino Property Management Services 0413 732 726 annettes@themarshallgroup.com.au Nicola Watson Operations & Marketing Manager 0432 846 913 nicolaw@themarshallgroup.com.au Linh Diep Senior Graphic Designer 02 9061 3175 linhd@themarshallgroup.com.au Helen Hatzithavoris Social Media Manager 02 9061 3175 helenh@themarshallgroup.com.au Fiona Xie Social Media Co-ordinator 02 9061 3175 fionax@themarshallgroup.com.au Melissa Lennon Accounts 02 9061 3175 melissal@themarshallgroup.com.au Masako Chapman Accounts 02 9061 3175 masakoc@themarshallgroup.com.au Samantha Bonthorne Executive Assistant to Belinda Shearer 0438 773 959 samanthab@themarshallgroup.com.au Helen Hovey Compliance Officer 02 9061 3175 helenhovey@themarshallgroup.com.au Susan Herriott Sales Support - Gordon 02 9061 3175 susanh@themarshallgroup.com.au Maggie Wu Jeffers Sales Support - Lindfield 02 8668 2828 maggiew@themarshallgroup.com.au Maddy Ockerby Sales Support - Wahroonga 02 9061 3199 maddyo@themarshallgroup.com.au Rachel Jefferis Sales Support - St Ives 02 9061 3176 rachelj@themarshallgroup.com.au Julia Xia Licensed Real Estate Agent 0450 808 268 juliax@themarshallgroup.com.au Melissa Lynch Hill Licensed Real Estate Agent 0411 033 097 melissalh@themarshallgroup.com.au Craig Marshall Managing Director 0410 699 688 craigm@themarshallgroup.com.au Carl Ferris Director 0403 190 555 carlf@themarshallgroup.com.au Ross Mundy Director 0451 373 641 rossm@themarshallgroup.com.au Lan Zhang Director 0479 027 768 lanz@themarshallgroup.com.au Dominic Smith Director 0411 751 133 doms@themarshallgroup.com.au Jessica Liu Director 0481 557 789 jessical@themarshallgroup.com.au Nicky Tanner Licensed Real Estate Agent 0415 669 631 nickyt@themarshallgroup.com.au Donna Ferris Licensed Real Estate Agent 0419 184 578 donnaf@themarshallgroup.com.au Jill Smith Licensed Real Estate Agent 0425 335 000 jills@themarshallgroup.com.au Kate Wexler Licensed Real Estate Agent 0413 733 664 katew@themarshallgroup.com.au Brenton Higgins Licensed Real Estate Agent 0421 904 694 brentonh@themarshallgroup.com.au Stephen Tesoriero Licensed Real Estate Agent 0403 444 872 stephent@themarshallgroup.com.au Fiona Thomas Licensed Real Estate Agent 0412 334 589 fionat@themarshallgroup.com.au Susie Stathakis Licensed Real Estate Agent 0457 880 555 susies@themarshallgroup.com.au Ian Clarke Licensed Real Estate Agent 0419 636 289 ianc@themarshallgroup.com.au Eva Lu Licensed Real Estate Agent 0415 160 612 eval@themarshallgroup.com.au Patrick Huang Licensed Real Estate Agent 0433 975 899 patrickh@themarshallgroup.com.au Alex Jensen Licensed Real Estate Agent 0425 733 758 alexj@themarshallgroup.com.au Sarah Zhou Licensed Real Estate Agent 0404 425 769 sarahz@themarshallgroup.com.au Tom Lintott Licensed Real Estate Agent 0411 315 039 toml@themarshallgroup.com.au Belinda Shearer Licensed Real Estate Agent 0404 479 199 belindas@themarshallgroup.com.au Jayne DeMaio Licensed Real Estate Agent 0421 089 477 jayned@themarshallgroup.com.au Oliver Slader Licensed Real Estate Agent 0466 716 706 olivers@themarshallgroup.com.au William Burn Licensed Real Estate Agent 0481 173 911 williamb@themarshallgroup.com.au James Brodie Licensed Real Estate Agent 0487 760 330 jamesb@themarshallgroup.com.au Finley Pedersen Licensed Real Estate Agent 0475 888 599 finleyp@themarshallgroup.com.au Julia Malone Licensed Real Estate Agent 0416 445 200 juliam@themarshallgroup.com.au Ryan Thomas Licensed Real Estate Agent 0424 120 768 ryant@themarshallgroup.com.au Hao Chen Licensed Real Estate Agent 0416 519 150 haoc@themarshallgroup.com.au Ellen Xu Sales Associate to Kate Wexler 0408 613 985 ellenx@themarshallgroup.com.au Julia Xia Licensed Real Estate Agent 0450 808 268 juliax@themarshallgroup.com.au Melissa Lynch Hill Licensed Real Estate Agent 0411 033 097 melissalh@themarshallgroup.com.au David Marshall Director - Property Management 0410 600 688 davidm@themarshallgroup.com.au Tobias Newing Property Manager 0456 857 202 tobiasn@themarshallgroup.com.au Karen Newing Property Manager 0422 034 375 karenn@themarshallgroup.com.au Grace Gu Property Manager 0404 708 616 graceg@themarshallgroup.com.au Judy Tang Property Manager 0415 632 668 judyt@themarshallgroup.com.au Caitlin Redgrave Property Manager 0409 760 078 caitlinr@themarshallgroup.com.au Annette Saracino Property Management Services 0413 732 726 annettes@themarshallgroup.com.au Tristian Vardy Chief Operating Officer & Director 0419 231 076 tristianv@themarshallgroup.com.au Nicola Watson Operations & Marketing Manager 0432 846 913 nicolaw@themarshallgroup.com.au Linh Diep Senior Graphic Designer 02 9061 3175 linhd@themarshallgroup.com.au Helen Hatzithavoris Social Media Manager 02 9061 3175 helenh@themarshallgroup.com.au Fiona Xie Social Media Co-ordinator 02 9061 3175 fionax@themarshallgroup.com.au Melissa Lennon Accounts 02 9061 3175 melissal@themarshallgroup.com.au Masako Chapman Accounts 02 9061 3175 masakoc@themarshallgroup.com.au Samantha Bonthorne Executive Assistant to Belinda Shearer 0438 773 959 samanthab@themarshallgroup.com.au Helen Hovey Compliance Officer 02 9061 3175 helenhovey@themarshallgroup.com.au Susan Herriott Sales Support - Gordon 02 9061 3175 susanh@themarshallgroup.com.au Maggie Wu Jeffers Sales Support - Lindfield 02 8668 2828 maggiew@themarshallgroup.com.au Maddy Ockerby Sales Support - Wahroonga 02 9061 3199 maddyo@themarshallgroup.com.au Rachel Jefferis Sales Support - St Ives 02 9061 3176 rachelj@themarshallgroup.com.au Top